The Mauritshuis in The Haque is a small boutique museum and home to the Best of Dutch paintings from the Golden Age. Despite its compact size, it houses a world-famous and unique collection. Masterpieces such as Vermeer's ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’, ‘The Goldfinch’ by Fabritius and Rembrandt’s ‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp’ are on permanent display in the intimate rooms of this seventeenth-century monument. The Mauritshuis is the centre of knowledge when it comes to the art of painting in the Golden Age. The inner circle of art lovers know to find their way to this influential museum, but for most people, the masterpieces are more famous than the museum itself.
How can we tell the world that all these paintings can be seen in the Mauritshuis and strengthen the perception that they are an absolute authority when it comes to knowledge about the Golden Age?
‘The Goldfinch’ by Carel Fabritius is the most looked at bird in the history of art. The world behind this apparent small painting is much larger than you would suspect. The website takes you on a bird’s eye view journey through the life of The Goldfinch, which unfolds before your eyes.
Role: Concept & art direction working at Energize
UX/Design: Ernst Dommisse
Motion: Floris Drupsteen
Mobile & website development: This Page Amsterdam
UX/Design: Ernst Dommisse
Motion: Floris Drupsteen
Mobile & website development: This Page Amsterdam
Bronze ADCN Lamp (Digital Craft)
FWA Site of the Day
Awwwards Site of the Day
CSSAwards Site of the Day
Bronze ADCN Lamp (Digital Craft)
FWA Site of the Day
Awwwards Site of the Day
CSSAwards Site of the Day